Source code for pyprep.prep_pipeline

"""Module for PREP pipeline."""
import mne
from mne.utils import check_random_state

from pyprep.find_noisy_channels import NoisyChannels
from pyprep.reference import Reference
from pyprep.removeTrend import removeTrend
from pyprep.utils import _set_diff, _union  # noqa: F401

[docs] class PrepPipeline: """Early stage preprocessing (PREP) of EEG data. This class implements the functionality of the PREP (preprocessing pipeline) for EEG data described in [1]_. Parameters ---------- raw : The data. Channel types must be correctly assigned (e.g., ocular channels are assigned the type 'eog'). prep_params : dict Parameters of PREP which include at least the following keys: - ref_chs : {list, 'eeg'} - A list of channel names to be used for rereferencing. These channels will be used to construct the reference signal. Can be a str 'eeg' to use all EEG channels. - reref_chs : {list, 'eeg'} - A list of channel names to define from which channels the reference signal will be subtracted. Can be a str 'eeg' to use all EEG channels. - line_freqs : {np.ndarray, list} - list of floats indicating frequencies to be removed. For example, for 60Hz you may specify ``np.arange(60, sfreq / 2, 60)``. Specify an empty list to skip the line noise removal step. - max_iterations : int, optional - The maximum number of iterations of noisy channel removal to perform during robust referencing. Defaults to ``4``. montage : mne.channels.DigMontage Digital montage of EEG data. ransac : bool, optional Whether or not to use RANSAC for noisy channel detection in addition to the other methods in :class:`~pyprep.NoisyChannels`. Defaults to True. channel_wise : bool, optional Whether RANSAC should predict signals for chunks of channels over the entire signal length ("channel-wise RANSAC", see `max_chunk_size` parameter). If ``False``, RANSAC will instead predict signals for all channels at once but over a number of smaller time windows instead of over the entire signal length ("window-wise RANSAC"). Channel-wise RANSAC generally has higher RAM demands than window-wise RANSAC (especially if `max_chunk_size` is ``None``), but can be faster on systems with lots of RAM to spare. Has no effect if not using RANSAC. Defaults to ``False``. max_chunk_size : {int, None}, optional The maximum number of channels to predict at once during channel-wise RANSAC. If ``None``, RANSAC will use the largest chunk size that will fit into the available RAM, which may slow down other programs on the host system. If using window-wise RANSAC (the default) or not using RANSAC at all, this parameter has no effect. Defaults to ``None``. random_state : {int, None, np.random.RandomState}, optional The random seed at which to initialize the class. If random_state is an int, it will be used as a seed for RandomState. If None, the seed will be obtained from the operating system (see RandomState for details). Default is None. filter_kwargs : {dict, None}, optional Optional keywords arguments to be passed on to mne.filter.notch_filter. Do not set the "x", Fs", and "freqs" arguments via the filter_kwargs parameter, but use the "raw" and "prep_params" parameters instead. If None is passed, the pyprep default settings for filtering are used instead. matlab_strict : bool, optional Whether or not PyPREP should strictly follow MATLAB PREP's internal math, ignoring any improvements made in PyPREP over the original code (see :ref:`matlab-diffs` for more details). Defaults to False. Attributes ---------- raw : The data including eeg and non eeg channels. It is unprocessed if accessed before the fit method, processed if accessed after a successful fit method. raw_eeg : The only-eeg part of the data. It is unprocessed if accessed before the fit method, processed if accessed after a successful fit method. raw_non_eeg : {, None} The non-eeg part of the data. It is not processed when calling the fit method. If the input was only EEG it will be None. noisy_channels_original : dict Detailed bad channels in each criteria before robust reference. noisy_channels_before_interpolation : dict Detailed bad channels in each criteria just before interpolation. noisy_channels_after_interpolation : dict Detailed bad channels in each criteria just after interpolation. bad_before_interpolation : list bad channels after robust reference but before interpolation EEG_before_interpolation : np.ndarray EEG data in uV before the interpolation reference_before_interpolation : np.ndarray Reference signal in uV before interpolation. reference_after_interpolation : np.ndarray Reference signal in uV after interpolation. interpolated_channels : list Names of the interpolated channels. still_noisy_channels : list Names of the noisy channels after interpolation. References ---------- .. [1] Bigdely-Shamlo, N., Mullen, T., Kothe, C., Su, K. M., Robbins, K. A. (2015). The PREP pipeline: standardized preprocessing for large-scale EEG analysis. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 9, 16. """ def __init__( self, raw, prep_params, montage, ransac=True, channel_wise=False, max_chunk_size=None, random_state=None, filter_kwargs=None, matlab_strict=False, ): """Initialize PREP class.""" raw.load_data() self.raw_eeg = raw.copy() # split eeg and non eeg channels self.ch_names_all = raw.ch_names.copy() self.ch_types_all = raw.get_channel_types() self.ch_names_eeg = [ self.ch_names_all[i] for i in range(len(self.ch_names_all)) if self.ch_types_all[i] == "eeg" ] self.ch_names_non_eeg = list(set(self.ch_names_all) - set(self.ch_names_eeg)) self.raw_eeg.pick_channels(self.ch_names_eeg) if self.ch_names_non_eeg == []: self.raw_non_eeg = None else: self.raw_non_eeg = raw.copy() self.raw_non_eeg.pick_channels(self.ch_names_non_eeg) self.raw_eeg.set_montage(montage) # raw_non_eeg may not be compatible with the montage # so it is not set for that object self.EEG_raw = self.raw_eeg.get_data() self.prep_params = prep_params if self.prep_params["ref_chs"] == "eeg": self.prep_params["ref_chs"] = self.ch_names_eeg if self.prep_params["reref_chs"] == "eeg": self.prep_params["reref_chs"] = self.ch_names_eeg if "max_iterations" not in prep_params.keys(): self.prep_params["max_iterations"] = 4 self.sfreq =["sfreq"] self.ransac_settings = { "ransac": ransac, "channel_wise": channel_wise, "max_chunk_size": max_chunk_size, } self.random_state = check_random_state(random_state) self.filter_kwargs = filter_kwargs self.matlab_strict = matlab_strict @property def raw(self): """Return a version of self.raw_eeg that includes the non-eeg channels.""" full_raw = self.raw_eeg.copy() if self.raw_non_eeg is None: return full_raw else: return full_raw.add_channels([self.raw_non_eeg], force_update_info=True)
[docs] def fit(self): """Run the whole PREP pipeline.""" noisy_detector = NoisyChannels(self.raw_eeg, random_state=self.random_state) noisy_detector.find_bad_by_nan_flat() # unusable_channels = _union( # noisy_detector.bad_by_nan, noisy_detector.bad_by_flat # ) # reference_channels = _set_diff(self.prep_params["ref_chs"], unusable_channels) # Step 1: 1Hz high pass filtering if len(self.prep_params["line_freqs"]) != 0: self.EEG_new = removeTrend( self.EEG_raw, self.sfreq, matlab_strict=self.matlab_strict ) # Step 2: Removing line noise linenoise = self.prep_params["line_freqs"] if self.filter_kwargs is None: self.EEG_clean = mne.filter.notch_filter( self.EEG_new, Fs=self.sfreq, freqs=linenoise, method="spectrum_fit", mt_bandwidth=2, p_value=0.01, filter_length="10s", ) else: self.EEG_clean = mne.filter.notch_filter( self.EEG_new, Fs=self.sfreq, freqs=linenoise, **self.filter_kwargs, ) # Add Trend back self.EEG = self.EEG_raw - self.EEG_new + self.EEG_clean self.raw_eeg._data = self.EEG # Step 3: Referencing reference = Reference( self.raw_eeg, self.prep_params, random_state=self.random_state, matlab_strict=self.matlab_strict, **self.ransac_settings, ) reference.perform_reference(self.prep_params["max_iterations"]) self.raw_eeg = reference.raw self.noisy_channels_original = reference.noisy_channels_original self.noisy_channels_before_interpolation = ( reference.noisy_channels_before_interpolation ) self.noisy_channels_after_interpolation = ( reference.noisy_channels_after_interpolation ) self.bad_before_interpolation = reference.bad_before_interpolation self.EEG_before_interpolation = reference.EEG_before_interpolation self.reference_before_interpolation = reference.reference_signal self.reference_after_interpolation = reference.reference_signal_new self.interpolated_channels = reference.interpolated_channels self.still_noisy_channels = reference.still_noisy_channels return self